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Understanding Your SCA Mock Session

This page aims to guide you to understand what to expect during your mocks.


Your Mock Session

Welcome to Elite Exams Mock Session. We're excited to embark on this journey with you to reach new heights of success in your exams.

The GP Examiner

Structured Constructive Feedback

The GP Examiner plays a crucial role in the mock session by reviewing the cases and providing feedback to the GP trainees.


Mock Candidate

Active participation in the mock session is integral to your preparation for the SCA exams. Come prepared like you would your exams.

Role Player

GP trainee - Simulated Patients

Simulate realistic clinical encounters for the mock doctor, providing valuable learning experiences for all in a controlled environment.


Non-participant observers

Observer, insights, and feedback are greatly appreciated, and provide valuable contributions to the learning process.



Elite Exams team member, with responsibilities to ensure the smooth and effective execution of the session

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