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Online Mock Sessions.

If you're ready to TEST your SCA exam prep and maximise your chances of success, then our timed mock sessions are the perfect fit for you. Join us and let's turn those exam jitters into exam triumphs together!


We’re here to support you every step of the way, ensuring you feel confident, prepared, and ready to excel in your SCA exams.
Image by The Jopwell Collection

About Your Sessions.

At Elite Exams, we’ve designed a streamlined process to ensure you get the most out of your sessions, whether it is mocks, coaching or masterclass program. Each session has been designed differently to suit your exam needs.

  • Mocks (3 or 6 Case Stations): Under timed conditions, carefully selected cases, matched to SCA-blueprint, under exam-styled setting with expert feedback to TEST your consultation skills and build exam resilience.

  • Coaching (Hourly Sessions): Personalised one-on-one coaching tailored to your needs, with in-depth case reviews and strategies to REFINE your consultation style and skills.

  • 5-Day Masterclass Program: An intensive, focused programme covering challenging clinical themes and role-play sessions to MASTER exam techniques and consultation tactics.

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